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The Bank of America tower: home base for carbon home truths?

From the lofty heights, zero net carbon seems visible. 

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With economies around the world in need of a reset after the Covid-19 pandemic upended how we work and travel, chief executives are obliged to publicly work out strategies for growing economically while reducing carbon emissions. While corporate leaders have previously been vocal about, if not committed to, implementing emission...

(Courtesy City Forest Credits.) Beyond soothing imagery, urban trees measurably lift air quality, energy affordability and employment. City Forest Credits aims to quantify what that's worth. 

A Startup Seeks to Raise Urban Equity

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The story of a small property owner and a repaired boiler hints at the potential multipliers in C-PACE, a program that lets owners use energy savings to repay loans for upgrades. Keys to the program include training and coaching, which make the savings easier to achieve and quicker to see...
The lights in this landmark shine sustainably

Investors who enter purchase power agreements, like the landlords of the Sydney Opera House, can use hedges to avoid high drama. 

Navigating Risk: A Corporate PPA Guide

Corporate buyers who learn to weave power purchase agreements into their finances have drawn on research and hedges to manage electricity's risk. With the Covid-19 disaster roiling electricity markets and project schedules, we survey risk management strategies and test their resilience. Some new takes on risk- and takes on new...

Power purchase agreements can spur megawatts' worth of energy transition- once more companies learn how to find, operate and improve them. 

What's the Next Phase for PPAs?

One of the world's biggest corporations evolved a form of power purchase agreement that houses risk within a project. A startup down the road has developed ways to streamline procurement and clarify terms for smaller companies. This article, wrapping our series on power purchase agreements' heft and potential, details these...
Get to know the power purchase agreement

How can electricity customers route electricity economics in a greener direction? Two forms of long-term power commitments provide promising vehicles. 

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Power purchase agreements come primarily in two flavors: physical and virtual. In the physical deal, a buyer takes electricity on specified green terms. In the virtual arrangement, a buyer commits capital for renewable projects that will light somebody else's territory. This piece lays out the logic, risks and potential in...
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Susan Glickman / Bob Howard / CC BY-NC 2.0

Florida Battles to Create a Clean Energy Policy Framework

In this interview, Susan Glickman, Florida director for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, discusses the status of clean energy development in the state. Glickman lays out policy battles over renewable portfolio and energy efficiency standards, the state’s history of natural gas consumption, growth in utility solar programs, and an...

Chris Nelson


South Dakota is a national leader in the proportion of its electricity mix coming from wind energy. CEFF spoke to South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Vice Chairman Chris Nelson about the status of clean energy in the state. He contends that the rise of wind in the state is traceable...

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Texas offers an instructive case study for the growth of renewable energy. Most of the state’s electricity is delivered through the deregulated Electric Reliability Council of Texas market. The state has long since surpassed its mandated renewable portfolio standard, so market dynamics dictate the ongoing pace of renewables growth. Nonetheless...
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CBEYond the Moment: Insights on the COVID-19 Crisis

What happens when a 100-year-old electric system runs into a 100-year pandemic? 

CBEYond the Moment: Macky McCleary

Michigan Saves Ad

CBEYond the Moment: State Banks Outline A National Climate-Bank Path


Jeffrey Schub urges Congress to seed jobs of the future by capitalizing a National Climate Bank. 

CBEYond the Moment: Jeffrey Schub on Green Banks as Growth's Guiding Lights

Joseph FIordaliso, looking to the ocean and the roads to power the Garden State

For Joseph Fiordaliso, progress toward a fossil-free economy flows from top-level leadership to street-level entrepreneurship. 


Latest Industry News
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Fossil-Fuel Devotees in Trump Administration Choke Findings About Carbon's Covid Culpability

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Managers Overseeing Billions Say Climate Change Threatens Everything In Sight

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External News

Looking Wistfully to Those Green Commitments in Europe? Act Willfully, Instead, to Make Green Investments Scale

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Law Firm Acquisition Shows Spark for Energy-Efficiency Financing in Midwest

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If the 30-Year Mortgage Washes Away, What Durable Financing for Clean Energy Can Succeed It?

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Online Certificate Program
FDCE image for CEFF aside


Accelerate the transition to a clean economy with a certificate in Financing and Deploying Clean Energy from Yale. 

This online training from the Yale Center for Business and the Environment (CBEY) is tailored for working professionals who seek to accelerate the financing and deployment of clean energy.  It offers a unique course curriculum marrying academic rigor with practical skills. Learn more.

CFN screenshot


For investment-ready natural resources beyond the wind and the sun, explore case studies and evolving news with our partners at Conservation Finance Network.  conservationfinancenetwork.org

States of Clean Energy Innovation
US at night


States of Clean Energy Innovation is an online news hub with customized clean energy data and stories about the United States and Puerto Rico. Each state is different, each state has thoughtful leaders working on our transition to clean energy, and each state deserves its own dashboard. Find Your State Here

Webinars and Podcasts



This webinar series invites leading practitioners and researchers in the field of energy efficiency to talk about the latest opportunities and developments in corporate, nonprofit and public-private arenas.

View on YouTube